
Home » Moldavite
Moldavite for Sale from Dr. Ginny, a Christian Psychic in Winter Springs Florida

Moldavite - The Gem That Fell to Earth

Moldavite is a tektite and a stone of intense frequency and high vibration. In ancient times it was always believed that this stone could bring good luck and fulfillment of wishes. Natural crystals of Moldavite are powerful stones for transformation.... as it is thought to be the stone known as "The Holy Grail Stone."

…" Perhaps Moldavite’s greatest role in crystal healing history takes place as the substance purportedly used to create the Holy Grail. In some recountings, the Grail was said to be not a cup, but a stone; a crystal Emerald that fell from the sky. In other stories, the Grail cup was carved from the crystal Emerald. The correspondences of the Stone of the Grail with Moldavite crystal are clear. The ancients called all clear green gemstones “Emeralds”, and Moldavite is the only such crystal ever to have fallen from the sky” …

If you’re looking to change your life for the better call me. Getting a Moldavite Pendant really can make a difference!

 Moldavite in Christianity

The Holy Grail (Chalice) is believed to be the vessel used by Christ during the Last Supper. According to grail legend, Peter used the cup to collect Jesus’ blood and sweat as he was dying on the cross, giving this vessel magical and, life-sustaining properties.  After Jesus was laid to rest in a tomb Peter himself was locked away in a “Cave like structure, like a Tomb” for 2 months. He would surely have died however he had with him the Holy Grail Chalice that every morning was miraculously filled with food and drink.  In Catholic tradition, for instance, the Holy Chalice was taken by Peter and was used in the very first mass, which explains why ornate chalices are still used in many Christian denominations today. The Grail was thought to be to have been carved out of emerald, but one that fell from the sky.  Moldavite is the only green stone that has ever fallen from the sky. The belief is that God himself sent this green stone from heaven while giving it special almost mystical properties. 

It is predicted that in less than ten years from now commercial Moldavite mining will come to an end. After this time, there will be virtually no appreciable amount of gem-grade Moldavite left in the ground.

Where Does Moldavite Come From?

Moldavite is found in only one area of the world. A meteorite of enormous size and incredible impact is known to have crashed in the Czechoslovakian mountain region around 15 million years ago. This event is believed to have created melted material that fell to earth and created these beautiful green crystals.

All of The Moldavite has been found in the Czech Republic, close to the area where this event occurred. This amazing stone was created by the heat of an extraordinary force most likely with more power than an atomic explosion. Its aero-dynamic shape suggests that this attractive green stone likely fell from the heavens.

The stones often have dark inclusions within them. It has been suggested that this may be a combination of meteoric matter and material from the area where it crashed, as the heat may have melded them together. Although some scientists believe it to be of extra-terrestrial origin, this cannot be confirmed.

Why Would You Use Moldavite Crystal

As a healing crystal, it is a valuable tool... as it raises the vibration of other stones in its vicinity. This will create an overall stronger healing vibration. This crystal can create an amazing healing response in the individual. The most common reaction that most people feel first is a tingling in the hand, which spreads out into the body. Often the reaction is then felt in the chest... within the heart chakra, and then in the face, as an intense heat flush.

Some people have difficulty with the vibration of this stone... and although the impact that wearing a Moldavite pendant has on a person varies... many feel an intense heat when they wear it... or even hold it for the first time.

The reaction is so common that it has been given a name, "The Moldavite Flush".

It is an extremely powerful crystal... and is a stone of rapid transformation and shifts. It helps to release old intense, painful thoughts... and each individual will be affected in different ways.

Although the spiritual healing that this stone brings can vary from person to person... it has a powerful vibration and can effect great change in short periods of time.

It is said that when wearing the stone and directing your thoughts at another in the room will alert if that person harbors bad or evil thoughts.  The stone has been reported to heat up when the wearer of the stone is near an individual that has negative energy, bad Karma or wishes evil or destruction upon others.

This transformation may make you aware of your deepest desires and help you to make connections with other worlds and dimensions.

Getting a Moldavite Pendant really can change your life!

Moldavite Crystal Pendants for Sale from Dr. Ginny, a Christian Psychic in Winter Springs, FL
This Moldavite Pendant or one similar is currently available.

How to Purchase a Moldavite Crystal Pendant

I am expecting a small shipment of pendants to arrive in the next four days from the Czech Republic.  As my regulars know, I only get in a limited supply and I often have orders for 75% of these pendants before they ever get here. If this is something you wish to order please contact me by phone or email so I can pick one that's just right for you when they arrive.  These carefully chosen pendants are chosen for each individual, most of the time I will know your special stone as soon as it arrives, however, if I do not feel the vibration in the any of the Moldavite that comes in, then I will let you know.  If the stone does not connect to you I will refuse to sell it to you.

The cost can range from $159.00 to $300.00 depending on the setting.

About Our Moldavite Pendants for Sale

 I just met with my personal "Indiana Jones" this morning who has returned from the Czech Republic and he had orders to fill for clients of mine who have already requested a pendant.  Because I purchased so many he lowered the price and so I am lowering the price for everyone too! This only on the ones that I purchased today till they are sold out. I have five left as pictured above, the price for each is only $159.00!  But remember it's just for these five, that is all I have left.  Please note this is a special price for these five pendants only and when they are sold the price goes back to $230.00 simply because of what I must pay to acquire these high-quality authentic stones. All I have available are the ones you see below.  So, if you wish to order please call me at my toll-free number at 800-375-3446.

As my regulars know, I only get in a limited supply and I often have orders for 75% of these pendants before they ever get here. If this is something you wish to order, please contact me by phone or email so I can pick one that’s just right for you.  These carefully chosen pendants are chosen for each individual, I will know your special stone as soon as I touch it. However, if I do not feel the vibration in the Moldavite and it does not connect to you I will not be able to send it and I will give you a full and complete refund.

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About Dr. Ginny, Christian Psychic PhD

All of Dr. Ginny's readings are Christian based and have come from Angels and Saints. The Occult is never a part of any reading. Dr. Ginny is a practicing Catholic. An Ordained Minister and has her PhD in Spiritual Counseling. Dr. Ginny studied at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College for the Advancement of Psychic Science in England.


All Psychic readings and services rendered thereof is for entertainment purposes only. I am not qualified to give Legal and/or Medical advice and will not do so. If you need legal and/or Medical advice please seek the help of a professional licensed to provide such services.

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