Anxiety and OCD Help

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Psychic Help for Those with Anxiety and OCD

Do you feel totally exhausted and do you have trouble sleeping? Either sleeping too little or sleeping too much? Feel like you're getting sick and that there is a lid on your happiness? Having trouble getting through each day? Some people tell you it's a sign of depression and psychologically you think maybe they're right?

"A form of Psychic Attack could, in fact, be the reason for Depression, Anxiety, and OCD."

Psychology Today
February 9th, 2011

"A holistic approach has also proven very helpful when done in conjunction with these practices, especially when other methods do not seem to be working.."

It's always difficult when a client suffers from anxiety or an anxiety related issue which is also sometimes coupled with OCD and or depression.  I have been asked on many occasions if its possible that someone who may have Empath skills or is an Intuitive could be picking up energy that could possibly cause those conditions.  The answer is clearly outlined below.  I have helped Counselors and Psychotherapists with their clients to learn how to deal with certain issues that have not yet been solved by going the traditional route.  As always I suggest that a client first goes to a licensed medical professional that treats whatever issues they are having but that being said, a holistic approach has also proven very helpful when done in conjunction with these practices, especially when other methods do not seem to be working.  I do specialize in Anxiety and OCD related issues in an attempt to help you get a better understanding of why Intuitively and Empathically you may be responding to things and how to block them and or tap into them only when you want to. It is important to note that the word "Psychic Attack" merely means that our Psyche or our mind or mental state is processing information in a way we do not want it to or ever intended for it to. 

In the February 9th, 2011 edition of Psychology Today it stated that a form of Psychic Attack could, in fact, be the reason for Depression, Anxiety, and OCD.  Let us help now.

Do you feel totally exhausted and do you have trouble sleeping? Either sleeping too little or sleeping too much? Mother-in-law, an Ex boyfriend or girlfriend or even Son or daughter.  Don’t discount the old “evil eye”. Sometimes we have “Frenemies” who are jealous because you still fit into your jeans from high school or have a more successful job or hotter boyfriend/husband/wife or girlfriend. Or a family member who's jealous because your life is working out so well and theirs always seems to fall into the garbage heap.

We all possess energy and strong energy.  We all have a dark side although most times we try to be good and not access it.  However, sometimes we are so miserable that we end up accessing it without consciously being aware of it.  This happens when we don't feel like we have a release or an outlet for our negative emotions.  When it's someone you know who is harboring those negative emotions they can be negatively impacting your life greatly without even realizing it.  They could be the cause of your recent bad luck, misfortune or feelings of depression.  It does not even have to be someone you know, an Empath can pick up those feeling simply by walking through a classroom or the grocery store.  Just like when you walk into a room and feel the energy is thick and unfriendly you can also have energy attached to you with the same negative feelings.  Often referred to as cords these cords can feel like you are being strangled with depression, oppression or fear.  Anxiety can take over and malaise can set in.  It can leave you feeling utterly confused over what has happened and why.  There are several ways to cut those chords.  Each situation is different and you may need one or several combinations of these modalities. 

"Our goal is not to assess it quickly but to assess it correctly with the help of our Angles and Spirit Guides and Gifts of Intuition from the God and the Divine."

Psychic Reading for OCD & Anxiety

A consultation/reading with a competent Psychic can help to uncover what methodology may work best.

Psychic Help May Include:

  • Intuitive Reading
  • A Chakra Clearing and Balancing
  • An Energy Healing
  • Past Life Regression 
  • Future Life Progression

Using these methods can help to cut those cords to create only loving energy, peacefulness and contentment.  These methods are healing techniques that are used on the client to help remove the old chords that can cause the feelings of pain, sorrow, and anxiety.  It can break the hold that sadness and malaise have on you.  The goal is to replace those old negative chords with new ones that connect to only positive energy and the divine.  Stop wasting time worrying, let the sun start to shine into your life again. 

Looking for help with the above, Dr. Ginny specializes in the above services.  There are very few Spiritual Advisors or Psychics and Healers that specialize in this work.  Having been asked by  Counselors/Psychologists to help in this area has created a niche market we are prepared to serve and help. 

The fee for this highly specialized work is $299.00 for the initial consultation where we will use our spiritual blessings of intuition and spirit and angel guided messengers to determine how to best attack this issue and what in the past may have caused the affliction.  This will include an in-depth reading that will take one to two hours.  Our goal is not to assess it quickly but to assess it correctly with the help of our Angles and Spirit Guides and Gifts of Intuition from the God and the Divine.   All following treatments will be at the discounted fee of $240.00 per one-hour consultation.  Please note this is normally all done over the phone as most of our clients come from all over the USA and in fact from all over the world.

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Dr. Ginny Christian Angel Readings

Christian Psychic Angel Card Readings

Dr. Ginny Psychic Center

2427 Rangeley Road
Phillips Maine 04966


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About Dr. Ginny, Christian Psychic PhD

All of Dr. Ginny's readings are Christian based and have come from Angels and Saints. The Occult is never a part of any reading. Dr. Ginny is a practicing Catholic. An Ordained Minister and has her PhD in Spiritual Counseling. Dr. Ginny studied at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College for the Advancement of Psychic Science in England.


All Psychic readings and services rendered thereof is for entertainment purposes only. I am not qualified to give Legal and/or Medical advice and will not do so. If you need legal and/or Medical advice please seek the help of a professional licensed to provide such services.

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